“Go forth and make disciples”

- Jesus

Welcome To
Englewood Baptist Church

Thank you for checking out our website, today. We sincerely hope that you will sense God’s presence and the love of His people here at EBC.

We, here at Englewood Baptist Church, are a fellowship of believers who come together as a family to worship God, study the Bible, and educate ourselves to become disciples of Jesus. We also minister to the needs or others and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world in the power of the Holy Spirit. We would love for you to worship and serve God together with us.

God is working in our church and we hope you and your family will come and be a part of His work. We believe that our Lord Jesus has brought you here for a purpose. Let’s explore that purpose together!

Hope To The Hill was founded in 2016 for the purpose of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with elected and appointed officials in our Nation’s Capital.

Our team of dedicated missionaries are consistently and daily walking through life with the wonderful leaders we serve no matter which side of the political aisle.  Through relational evangelism, we aim to lead our leaders to the One who has Every answer for today, tomorrow and the future of this Nation.
We believe that God’s Word is the answer to every question our leaders may have, and we do our very best to encourage them to go to the scriptures daily. Our team is committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to serve through prayer and encouragement in a time when party divides seem so far apart.  We hope that you will pray with us and partner alongside us for this good work God has allowed us to do!

Support Hope To the Hill

To Help Support Roger Roseberry (Military Liaison Missionary), Please follow the instructions below.


    Click on the button below or scan the QR Code to begin.

  • Step Two

    Select the amount you would like to give OR click on "Other" to submit a different amount.

  • Step Three

    Choose how often you would like to give. You can choose to make a one-time gift OR become a recurring sponsor.

  • Step Four

    Designate the recipient of your gift. In this case, the designation will be Roger Roseberry.

  • Step Five

    Once all the information has been input, click on the "Donate" button.

Thank you for your support of Hope To The Hill.  We could not do what we do without the generous gifts of those who care about our God, our country, and our mission to minister to those making decisions that will effect us all for generations to come. 

God Bless you and God bless our country.

Service Times

Sunday: 10:30 am Worship
Wednesday: 6:30 pm Worship

Our Location

5675 Kennerly Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32207